The Training Experience

The ANZSJA CGJI Analytic Training provides the opportunity for Trainees to develop a unique way of working analytically at depth. Trainees learn and develop extensive theoretical knowledge, therapeutic skills and analytic capacity together with their own personal analysis, supervision, clinical practice, infant observation and concurrent seminars and a psychiatric observation.

The three key aspects of the ANZSJA CGJI Analytic Training are the personal analysis, seminar program and supervised clinical practice. The training experience is designed ‘[to] afford the psyche as a whole the optimum degree of life and development’ (Jung 1959, Aion CW 9ii, para 253).

Personal Analysis

Training within the ANZSJA CGJI analytic model is an individual process. The core of the analytic training is a personal analysis. Analysis can be defined as a professional interpersonal relationship that facilitates a transformative encounter with the unconscious. This encounter entails careful attention to unconscious communications, dreams, interpersonal interaction, the past and the present, the body and mind, phantasy and reality, and the emergence of symbols leading to deep personal and interpersonal transformation in which the analysand comes to live from the transformative relationship that they have with the unconscious. An Analyst conducts analysis on the basis of themselves having established the self-same relationship with the unconscious.

Trainees undertake personal analysis twice weekly, 80 hours per year throughout the training with a member of ANZSJA.

Seminar Program

The ANZSJA CGJI Analytic Training provides an immersion in a range of Jungian and post-Jungian theoretical ideas. The seminar program is structured around learning experiences that facilitate the development of analytic capacity of each Trainee.

The ANZSJA CGJI Analytic Training requires a capacity in each Trainee/Candidate to work collegially with others in group seminars. During the first 5 years Trainees are required annually to attend two Intensives (residential 5-day and non-residential 4- day), two 6- week modules in a small group seminar held for 2 hours each week and 1 online learning module. These activities are concurrent with infant observation and related seminars, and a psychiatric observation. Trainees apply theoretical knowledge to their developing clinical practice and analytic technique.

The Training provides the opportunity for Trainees/Candidates to reflect on the interconnection between the personal psyche and the cultural psyche. The Training seeks to build a community of Analysts which has respect for difference personally and culturally with sensitivity to the particularities of Australia and New Zealand.

The Training encourages self-directed learning, collegiality, and a range of teaching and learning styles. It seeks to be inclusive and to embrace difference and otherness. It supports Trainees/Candidates to develop their own paths of enquiry, to engage creatively with their own minds, and to be curious and independent in their thinking.

Supervision of Clinical Practice

Supervision is weekly, 40 hours per year in Stage I and twice weekly, 80 hours per year. in Stage II.

During the Analytic Training it is essential that a Trainee establish and maintain a psychotherapeutic practice with sufficient patient contact hours to enable them to support the learning requirements of the Training and develop their analytic skills. All Trainees/Candidates need to undertake ongoing supervision of their clinical practice.

During Stage I the Trainee is expected to have weekly individual supervision with an ANZSJA Analyst. Some of the required 40 supervision hours per year may be undertaken in a supervision group with an ANZSJA Analyst.

In Stage II the Candidate transitions to analytic practice and conducts analyses with at least two adult training cases. Each case must be embodied and be seen a minimum of twice per week for a period of at least two years. The Candidate must have weekly supervision for each of these cases with two ANZSJA Training Analysts.

Stages of Training

There are two stages of Training:

Stage I (Trainee)
A minimum of 2 years, or a maximum of 3 years.

Stage II (Candidate)
The Training must be completed within a total of 7 years.

Assessment and Progression

Annual Assessment

Throughout the Analytic Training a process of self-assessment is encouraged. Trainees/Candidates complete an annual self-review and discuss with the Directors of Training their progress in the Training.

Assessment at the end of each of the 5 years of seminars takes the form of an essay based on the seminar program for that year. These essays are intended to prepare Trainees/Candidates for their two final written progression tasks in Stage II: the Project and the Long Case Paper.

Assessment is also conducted through ongoing evaluation of both participation and interaction in Intensives, Small Group Seminars and Online Modules.


Progression assessment refers to movement from Stage I to Stage II and within Stage II. Positive endorsement by the Institute for progress is contingent on completion of assigned tasks, readings, written work, online postings, annual self- reviews, personal interviews and panel presentations.

Progress throughout the Training is dependent on assessment and evidence of the Trainee’s/Candidate’s capacity to relate to the unconscious, as well as demonstrated professional competence. Progress is not assessed solely upon the accumulation of hours and completion of assigned assessment tasks.

Trainees may progress to Stage II Candidacy after 2 years if they have completed all requirements of Year 1 and 2, which include 12 months of Infant Observation. Trainees must demonstrate having a clinical practice that supports Stage II requirements. They must demonstrate their readiness to begin 2 long cases under intensive supervision by successfully submitting a Stage II Entry Paper and undertaking 2 interviews.

During Stage II Trainees/Candidates are required to do a Psychiatric Observation consisting of a minimum of 5 days observation, not clinical practice.

Certification of completion of the ANZSJA CG Jung Institute Analytic Training depends upon satisfactory completion of all Stage II requirements and successful assessment of both a written Project and Long Case Study. These both involve Panel Presentations.

As training is an individual process some Trainees/Candidates may be asked to meet individual requirements that are different from those of fellow Trainees/Candidates.

Panel Presentations of written assessments and stage progression interviews take place each May in Melbourne at the annual Training Committee Assessment Meeting.