Publications and Creative Works by ANZSJA Analysts

For a listing of works select analyst

Dr Sue Austin

Dr Beth Foley

Andrea Cone-Farran

Amanda Dowd

Jacinta Frawley

Sarah Gibson

Aditee Ghate

Dr Adrienne Margarian

Julia Meyerowitz-Katz

Dr Chris Milton

Dr Leon Petchkovsky

Dr Judith Pickering

Leslie Stein

Dr Jo Taylor-Violet

Dr Jill Yielder

Andre Zanardo

Dr Sue Austin 

Austin S. (2022) – review of Stephano Carpani‘s: “The Plural Turn in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies – The Work of Andrew Samuels”. London and New York: Routledge. Journal of Analytical Psychology (67,2) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin S. (2022) – “Clinical Commentaries: A Case and 3 Responses”. Journal of Analytical Psychology (67, 3) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin, S. (2017), “Existential Shame, Temporality and Cracks in the Ordinary ”Filled in” ‘Process of Things’” in Temporality and Shame: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Philosophy, edited by Ladson Hinton and Hessel Willemsen – Routledge: London and New York.

Austin, S. (2016) “Working with Chronic and Relentless Self-hatred and Existential Shame: a Clinical Study and Reflections – Part 2 of 2” in Journal of Analytical Psychology (61, 4) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

This paper was jointly awarded the Journal of Analytical Psychology’s 2016 Michael Fordham prize.

For further details see:

Also see for a thirty-minute video and a nine-minute summary video of Sue presenting this paper.

This paper was also translated into German and published as:
2019/2, Heft 192, 50 – Zur Arbeit mit chronischen und unerbittlichen Formen von Selbsthass, Selbstverletzung und existentieller Scham (Teil 2) – Eine klinische Studie und Reflexionen. Brandes, Apsel, Verlag.

Austin, S. (2016), “Working with Chronic and Relentless Self-hatred and Existential Shame: a Clinical Study and Reflections – Part 1 of 2” in Journal of Analytical Psychology (61, 1) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

This paper was jointly awarded the Journal of Analytical Psychology’s 2016 Michael Fordham prize. For further details see: psychology/the-michael-fordham-prize/

This paper was translated into German and publised as:
2019/1, Heft 191, 50 – Zur Arbeit mit chronischen und unerbittlichen Formen von Selbsthass, Selbstverletzung und existentieller Scham (Teil 1) – Eine klinische Studie und Reflexionen. Brandes, Apsel, Verlag.

Austin, S (2016), “Working with a Woman with Binge Eating Disorder: Building on Jung’s Dissociable Psyche, Butler’s Ec-Static Self and Laplanche’s Enigmatic Signifier” in Integrating Jungian Practice and Theory: Feminist Views from Somewhere, edited by Leslie Gardner and Frances Gray – Routledge: London and New York.

Austin, S. (2013), “Spatial Metaphors and Somatic Communication: the Embodiment of Multigenerational Experiences of Helplessness and Futility in an Obese Patient” in Journal of Analytical Psychology (58, 3) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin, S. (2013), “Working with Dissociative Dynamics and the Longing for Excess in Binge
Eating Disorders” in Journal of Analytical Psychology (58, 3) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin, S. (2010), Review of Ruth Stein’s paper: ‘The Otherness of Sexuality: Excess’. Journal of American Psychoanalysis (2008, 56), in Journal of Analytical Psychology (55, 4) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin, S. (2010), “Women’s Aggressive Energies, Agency and Psychological Change” in Sacral Revolutions: Reflections on the Work of Andrew Samuels – Cutting Edges in Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis, edited by Gottfried Heuer – Routledge: London and New York.

Austin, S. (2009), “Jung’s Dissociable Psyche and the Ec-static Self” in Journal of Analytical
Psychology (54, 5) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

This paper was translated into German and was published as:
2013/1, Heft 171, 44 – Sehnsucht nach Exzess: Arbeiten mit dissoziativen Kräften bei Ess-Störungen mit Fressanfällen. Brandes, Apsel, Verlag.

Austin, S. (2009), “A Perspective on the Patterns of Loss, Lack, Disappointment and Shame Encountered in the Treatment of Six Women with Severe and Chronic Anorexia Nervosa” in Journal of Analytical Psychology (54, 1) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

This paper was translated into German and publised as:
2010/1, Heft 159, 41 – Verlust, Mangel, Enttäuschung und Scham: Muster des Erlebens in der Behandlung von Frauen mit Anorexia Nervosa. Analytische Psychologie Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse. Brandes, Apsel, Verlag.

Austin, S. (2008), Review of Allyson Stack’s paper: ‘Culture, Cognition and Jean Laplanche’s Enigmatic Signifier Theory’, Culture and Society (2005, 22) in Journal of Analytical Psychology (53, 4) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.

Austin. S. (2007) – ‘Eating Disorders And Resistance to Identity – Journeys Which Falter / Journeys Which Never Start’. In Proceedings of the XVII Conference of the IAAP, Cape Town, ed. P. Bennett, Daimon Verlag, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 2008.

Austin, S. (2005), Review of Greg Mogenson’s book: Northern Gnosis: Thor, Baldr and the Volsungs in the Thought of Freud and Jung (New Orleans, Spring Journal Books), in Journal of Analytical Psychology (50, 5) – Wiley Blackwell, UK and USA.
Austin, S. (2005), Women’s Aggressive Fantasies: A Post-Jungian Exploration of Self-Hatred, Love and Agency – Routledge: London and New York.

Austin. S. (2004). – Desire, Fascination and the Other: Some Thoughts on Jung’s Interest in Rider Haggard’s She and on the Nature of Archetypes. 50, 2. Harvest International Journal for Jungian Studies, C.G. Jung Club, London

Austin. S. (2003) – Psychoanalytic Infant Observation and the Shadow of Containment. Issue 7. The International Journal of Critical Psychology. Lawrence & Wishart.

For further details of Sue’s publications and interests see:

Dr Beth Foley

Chambers, S. K., Occhipinti, S., Foley, E., Clutton, S., Legg, M., Berry, M., Stockler, M. R., Frydenberg, M., Gardiner, R. A., Lepore, S. J., Davis, I, D. & Smith, D. P. (2016). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Clinical Oncology 35:291-297.

Stafford, L., Thomas, N., Foley, E., Judd, F., Gibson, P. Komiti, A., Couper, J. & Kiropoulos, L. (2014). Comparison of the acceptability and benefits of two mindfulness-based interventions in women with breast or gynecologic cancer: a pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer

Chambers, S. K., B.A. Morris, S. Clutton, E. Foley, L. Giles, P. Schofield, D. O’Connell, J. Dunn (2014) Psychological wellness and health-related stigma: a pilot study of an acceptance-focused cognitive behavioural intervention for people with lung cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care

Stafford, L., Foley, E., Judd, F., Gibson, P., Kiropoulos, L. & Couper, J. (2013). Mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy for women with breast and gynecologic cancer: a pilot study to determine effectiveness and feasibility. Supportive Care in Cancer

Chambers, S. K.,  Smith, D. P., Berry, M., Lepore, S. J, Foley, E., Clutton, S., McDowall, R., Occhipinti, S., Frydenberg, M & Gardiner, R. A. (2013).  A randomised controlled trial of a mindfulness intervention for men with advanced prostate cancer. BMC Cancer

Renner, P. & Foley, E. (2013). Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) at a college counseling and psychological service. In J. Pistorello (Ed.), Mindfulness and acceptance for counseling college students: Theory and practical applications for intervention, prevention, and outreach. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Chambers S.K., Foley E, Galt E, Ferguson M, Clutton S. (2011).  Mindfulness Groups for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer: Feasibility, Effectiveness and the Role of Peer Support. Supportive Care in Cancer.

Foley, E., Baillie, A., Huxter, M., Price, M. & Sinclair, E. (2010). Mindfulness training for individuals whose lives have been affected by cancer: A randomized controlled trial of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.  Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology.

Andrea Cone-Farran

Cone-Farran, A. & Sinason, M. (2007) ‘The New, the Now and the Nowhere in Kalsched’s Archetypal self-care system’ In Ann Casement (Ed.) Who Owns Jung? Karnac, London.

Cone-Farran, A. (2004) Book Review “Jung’s Apprentice: A Biography of H.G. Baynes” In Journal of Analytical Psychology, 49, 460-463

Amanda Dowd

In her role as Deputy-Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology, Amanda was also Guest Editor of the Journal’s November 2022 Special Issue which focuses on our environmental and climate crisis.

Dowd, A. (2022). ‘Vanishing acts: the crisis of our loss of kinship with the more-than-human world’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 67, 5, 1270-95.

Dowd, A. (2020). ‘Displacement trauma: complex states of personal, collective and intergenerational fragmentation and their intergenerational transmission’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 65, 2, 300-24.

Dowd, A. (2019). ‘Uprooted minds: displacement, trauma and dissociation’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Special Issue, ‘The Analyst as Citizen in the World’, 64, 2, 244-69.

Dowd, A. (2017), ‘Becoming Human’: in Feminist Views from Somewhere: Post-Jungian Themes in Feminist Theory, eds Leslie Gardner and Frances Gray. Abingdon, Oxon. and N.Y: Routledge.

Dowd, A. (2017). ‘Adrift’, in ARAS Connections – Image and Archetype, Issue 1. (Click here)

Dowd, A. (2012). ‘Primal negation as a primitive agony: reflections on the absence of a place-for-becoming’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 57, 1, 3-20.

Dowd, A. (2011). Placing Psyche, Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia, eds Craig San Roque, Amanda Dowd and David Tacey, New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Inc.

Dowd, A. (2011). ‘Finding the fish: memory, displacement anxiety, legitimacy and identity: the legacy of interlocking traumatic histories in post-colonial Australia’, in Placing Psyche, Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia, eds Craig San Roque, Amanda Dowd and David Tacey. New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Inc.

Dowd, A. (2011). Mind the gap: explorations in the subtle geography of identity’, in Body, Mind and Healing After Jung: A Space of Questions, ed. R. Jones. East Sussex and N.Y: Routledge.

Dowd, A. (2010). ‘The passion of the country: bearing the burdens of traumatic histories, personal and collective’. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 2, 1, 59-70.

Dowd, A. (2010). Book Review: On Soul and Earth: The Psychic Value of Place by Elena Liotta. In Journal of Analytical Psychology, 55, 1,139–41.

Dowd, A. (2009). ‘Backgrounds of beauty: explorations in the subtle geography of identity and the interrelationships between psyche and place’. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 28, 1-2, 96-113.

Dowd, A. (2008). ‘Whose mind am I in? Reflections from an Australian consulting room on migration as a traumatic experience’. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 27, 1-2, 23-40.

Dowd, A. (2007), ‘The intimate edge of experience’, in The Uses of Subjective Experience, Proceedings of the Conference “The Uses of Subjective Experience: A Weekend of Conversations between ANZSJA Analysts and Academics who work with Jung’s Ideas”. October 20-21, Melbourne, Australia.

Dowd, A. (2008). ‘This whispering in our hearts: a review of The Geography of Meanings: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Place, Space, land and Dislocation, eds Maria Teresa Savio-Hooke and Salman Akhtar. In Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Vol. 79, ‘Irish Culture and Depth Psychology’.

Jacinta Frawley

Dance, A (host), On the Down Low: Speaking up about ovarian cancer, Series 1, 2022

Best new podcast, Australian Podcast Awards 2022.

Frawley, J. (2022), How much of my social work degree is there in my professional practice? Social Work Focus, Winter, Vol 7, Issue 2, pp 16-17.

Frawley, J. (2020), Sudden illness in a private practice: The role of the clinical executor, Social Work Focus. Spring, Vol 5, Issue 3, pp 31-33.

Frawley, J. (2011), “The Vampire: Alive in the Sand”, Journal of Sandplay Therapy, San Francisco, Calf., Vol. 20, No.1.

Frawley, J. (2009 to 2010), “Practice Management Tips: Data is everything, everything is data”, Quarterly Column, The CAPA Quarterly, Sydney.

Frawley, J. (2009), “Fifteen Years On: Thoughts on Private Practice”. National Bulletin, Newsletter of the Australian Association of Social Workers, Vol 19, Issue 1, Autumn, pp 25-30.

Frawley, J. (2007), “The Drunken Receptionist and Her Broomstick: Thoughts on Persona when Working with Couples”. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Couple Work, Society of Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists, London, Issue No. 3.

Frawley, J. (2007), “Sand and Psyche: Reflections on the First Australian Sandplay Conference”, Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Vol XVI, No1.

Frawley, J. Heft 31/1996, “Der Vampir—ein lebender Mythos”. Gorgo, , Schweizer Spiegel Verlag Raben-Reihe. Zurich.

Frawley, J. & McInerney, A. (1987), “Women Survivors of Incest: Report of a Group”, Australian Social Work, Dec., Vol. 40, No. 4.

Sarah Gibson

For video clips and artwork please visit:


Gibson, S. ( 2014), Re-enchantment; ways of interpreting fairy tales, enhanced EBook (available iTunes)

Gibson, S. (2013), ‘The Spider: Encounters with the Dark Feminine’ Journal of Sandplay Therapy Vol 22 No 1


(Writer/Director unless otherwise stated)

2015  MOMENTS IN TETOUAN   documentary 9 mins 45 sec


 video and photographic blog (with D Duncan)

2011-2013  INSIDE THE WITCH’S HOUSE                

animated film 1 min 30 sec (with Rose Draper) Released in e-book.

2007-2010  RE-ENCHANTMENT Interactive Multiplatform Documentary


Short Animated Documentary Series 10 x 3 mins

Ever After, Princess Culture, Wicked Stepmothers, Forbidden Room, Dark  Emotions, Beastly Husbands, Re-imaginings, Fairy Tale Sex, Into the Woods and  If The Shoe Fits

Screened ABC TV and DVD Release Compilation 30 mins

2004  THE HUNDREDTH ROOM 20 mins Personal Essay Documentary


Three part documentary series


PART 2: DAMAGE 53 mins


1990-1991  IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SHOPPING     57 mins 16mm

 BORN TO SHOP      50 min Video

1985-86   LANDSLIDES 75 min 16mm

(With S Lambert)

Experimental Documentary about philosophy of the body.


2015 ‘Red Girl in Mexico’, UP Studios Gallery, Marrickville, Sydney


2016 Familiars, One + 2, Rozelle, Sydney

2015 Green Olive Arts, Tetouan, Morocco

2015 Hunters Hill Art Exhibition, Sydney

2015 Upmost, Ultimo Projects Studio, Marrickville, Sydney

2014 Student Exhibition, Studio 1, Annandale, Sydney

2012 Student Exhibition, Waverly Arts Centre, Sydney

2011 Residency Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China

Aditee Ghate

Ghate, A. (2019). Movie Review “Challenges to the Father-Daughter Dynamic under the Patriarchal Shadow”, Journal of Analytical Psychology, 64, pp. 861-870.

Ghate, A. (2018). Traumatic dissociation of aspects of the feminine: An Asian cultural perspective, Journal of Analytical Psychology, 63(2), pp. 150-165.

Dr Adrienne Margarian

Margarian, A. (2014), “A Cross-Cultural Study of Somatic Countertransference: A Brief Overview” in Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/21507686.2014.894922.

Margarian, A. (2015), “Somatic Countertransference: A Chinese Perspective” in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China (1,1). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Margarian, A (2017), “Working with Somatic Countertransference: A Cross-Cultural perspective” in Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy (35,1). Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia, Richmond, Victoria, Australia.

Julia Meyerowitz-Katz

Meyerowitz-Katz, J. (2019), ‘Disquiet in the consulting room: Everything/Nothing that is said here is confidential’ Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2019, 64, 4, 565–586.

Meyerowitz-Katz, J. (2018), Gathering Fragments: steps in the evolution of a creative coupling. In: Jools, P., Berg, J., Byrne, N. (Eds.) Working with developmental anxieties in couple and family psychotherapy: The family within. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Meyerowitz-Katz, J., & Reddick, D. (eds.) (2016), Art therapy in the early years: art as a herapeutic intervention with infants, toddlers and their families. London: Routledge.

Meyerowitz-Katz, J. (2016), The crisis of the cream cakes. An infant’s food refusal as a representation of intergenerational trauma. Meyerowitz-Katz, J., & Reddick, D. (2016) (Eds.) Art therapy in the early years: art as a therapeutic intervention with infants, toddlers and their families. London: Routledge.

Meyerowitz-Katz, J. (2016), Navigating ambivalent states of bodymind: working with intergenerationally transmitted Holocaust trauma in couple therapy. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis 6(1) 25–43 (2016).

Meyerowitz-Katz J. (2008), Other People have a Secret I do not know: Art Psychotherapy

with a Teenager with Asperger’s Syndrome. In: Case, C., & Dalley, T., (Eds.) Art Therapy with Children – through development. London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

Brown, C., Meyerowitz-Katz, J., & Ryde, J. (2007), Thinking with image making: supervising student art therapists. Schaverien, J & Case, C. (Eds.) (2007) Supervision of art psychotherapy: a theoretical and practical handbook. London: Routledge, Taylor and Frances Ltd., pp. 167-182.

Meyerowitz-Katz, J. (2003), Art materials and processes: a place of meeting. Art psychotherapy with a four-year old boy. Inscape, 8:2, 60-69.

Brown, C., Meyerowitz-Katz, J., & Ryde, J. (2003), Thinking with image making in supervision. Inscape, 8:2, 71-78.


2022 30 Nov – 4 Dec, Red Dot Art Fair, Miami, FL, USA, represented by AGORA Gallery, New York, NY, USA

2022 21 Sep – 9 Oct, CLAY – So Many Possibilities, Bondi Pavilion Clay Studio, Sydney Australia

2022 29 Jul – 18 Aug, ‘A Step Beyond Ordinary’, AGORA Gallery, New York, NY., USA

2022 30 Mar – 10 Apr, ‘Electric Dreams’, Saint Cloche Gallery, Sydney, Australia

2021 Incognito Art Show, Paddington, Sydney

2021 ABC Community Exhibition, Kensington, Sydney

2021 Lethbridge 20000 Art Award

2020 Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown, Sydney

2012 Holding Spaces, a solo show of Ceramic Handbags, Frances Keevil Gallery, Sydney

For drawings, ceramics and other artwork please visit:

Dr Chris Milton

Milton, C. (2018), A Jungian Contribution to the notion of well-being. In: Galvin, K.T. (ed.)  (2018). Routledge Handbook of Well-Being. pp. 154-162. London & New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Milton, C. (2016), A View of Jungian Analysis in Aotearoa New Zealand. Ata: The Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand. Vol20, No. 2. December 2016 pp. 129-142.

Milton, C. (2013), Review of Phenomenology for Therapists: Researching the Lived World in IndoPacific Journal of Phenomenology, Vol 13, Ed 1, May 2013.

Milton, C. (2013), Invited keynote address to NZAP Conference 2013: Figure and Ground: Narrative and Formulation versus Out-picturing and Encounter with the Unconscious – An Enquiry into What is Analysis (later published in Ata).

Milton, C. (2011), Taking it with Me – A South African’s Cultural Complex in Aoteoroa New Zealand. In: San Roque, C., Dowd, A. & Tacey, D. (eds). (2011). Placing Psyche: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia. pp. 197-227. New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Books.

Milton, C. (2010), Towards Individuation: A Jungian view on being a body and on being together. Forum – The Journal of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists. Vol. 15, December 2010, pp. 92-108.

Milton, C. (2007), ‘Casting the Couch’ presented at NZAP Conference 2006 and published together with Prof. Charles Malcolm in 2007 edition of Forum – The Journal of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists.

Milton, C. (2003), Shifts in Focus in Psychotherapy: Jung’s ‘Problems of Modern Psychotherapy’ Revisited. Forum – The Journal of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists. Vol. 9, August 2003, pp. 94-109.

Milton, C. (2002), Psychotherapy as Story-telling. Mantis. Vol. 14. (1), Winter 2002, SAAJA, pp.31-44.

Milton, C. (2000), Review of ‘Thinking about Therapy’ by N. Stylianu and H. Havran Psycho-analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa Vol 8 (1) 2000.

Milton, C. (1997), Psychotherapeutic Paediatric Consultation: Some Suggestions Based on Psychoanalytic Theory. S.A. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Special Issue: Infant Mental Health) Vol 9 (2) 1997.

Dr Leon Petchkovsky

Petchkovsky, L. (2017), Advances in functional brain imaging technology and developmental neuro-psychology: their applications in the Jungian analytic domain. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2017, 62, 3, 415–433

Petchkovsky, L, Robertson-Gillam K, Kropotov Y, Petchkovsky M. (2013), Using QEEG parameters (asymmetry, coherence, and P3a Novelty response) to track improvement in the treatment of depression after Choir therapy. Advances in Mental Health ISSN 1837-4905 21-05-2013.

Dr Judith Pickering

Parkinson J.C. (1989). Early Childhood Music Education, Arts Council of the ACT, Canberra.

Pickering, J.C. ‘Australian Choral Music: The post-colonial period (1901-c.1941)’ in The Universe of Music: a History, UNESCO International Music Council, New York, (forthcoming).

Pickering J.C. (1995). ‘Stirring Burden of Our Song: Australian Choral Music as a Mirror of Culture in the period 1930-1960’, in N. Brown et al (eds.) One Hand on the Manuscript, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University. pp. 151-164.

Pickering J.C. (1995). ‘Landscape as Archetype in Australian Music’, Temenos Journal, Autumn, 1995.

Pickering J.C. (1995). ‘Hermit of Green Light: The Music of Ross Edwards’, Temenos Journal, Spring, 1995.

Pickering J.C. (1996). ‘Béla Bartok and the Quest for the Beloved: A Psychoanalytic Study of Duke Bluebeard’s Castle’, Temenos Journal, Summer, 1996.

Pickering J. C. (1998). ‘Mulea in Mulier in ecclesia taceat: Representation of gender in vocal

tessitura in the Early Music Movement’, Word/Voice/Sound: Interactions around Musics, University of Western Sydney and Artspace, Sydney.

Pickering J. C. (1997). ‘Spirit of place: the interrelationship between the Australian landscape and music in Aboriginal and white culture’, Australian Studies 12/1, London, 1997.

Pickering J. C. (1999). ‘Exogamy and Couple Therapy’, Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy Bulletin, Spring/Summer, pp. 4-14.

Pickering, J. C. (2001). ‘Exogamy: the Relational self’. The Australaisan Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, no. 1&2.

Pickering, J. C. (2001). ‘Depression as a defence against joy’. Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy Bulletin, Spring, 2001, 4–17.

Pickering, J. C. (2002). ‘Moving metaphors of self in the Intersubjective Space’, In R. Meares & P. Nolan, (Eds.), The Self in Conversation (pp. 123–143). Sydney: ANZAP.

Pickering, J. C. (2003). ‘Dreams in Psychotherapy.’ Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy Bulletin, Spring.

Pickering, J. C. (2004). ‘The Alterior Self.’ In R. Meares & P. Nolan, (Eds.), The Self in Conversation (pp. 123–143). Sydney: ANZAP.

Pickering, J. (2004). The Exogamous Conatus: Ontophanies of Love. Doctoral dissertation, School of Psychology, University of Western Sydney, Sydney.

Pickering, J. C. (2005). ‘The Play’s the Thing: Intralocking Traumatic Scenes in Couples Relationships’ Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy Bulletin, Autumn.

Pickering, J. C. (2006). ‘The marriage of alterity and intimacy: the problem of other minds’. In R.

Meares & P. Nolan, (Eds.), The Self in Conversation (pp. 65—83). Sydney: ANZAP.

Pickering, J. C. (2006). The marriage of alterity and intimacy: a couples perspective’, In S. Brookes & P. Fullerton, (Eds.), Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Couple Work: An International Publication (pp. 19—40). London: Society of Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists.

Pickering, J. (2006). Who’s afraid of the Wolffe couple: The interlocking traumatic scene Journal of Analytical Psychology, 51:2, pp. 251–270.

Pickering, J. (2007). ‘Alterity, Empathy and Love’, in R. Meares & P. Nolan, (Eds.), The Self in Conversation pp. 68-94, vol VI, Sydney: ANZAP.

Pickering, J. (2007). ‘Ancestral and Mythic Themes in the Consulting Room’. ANZSJA : The Uses of Subjective Experience.

Pickering, J. (2008). Being in Love: Therapeutic Pathways Through Psychological Obstacles to Love. Routledge: London.

Pickering, J. (2011). ‘Bion and the Couple’. in Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Journal, pp.49-69, Volume 1, Number 1 , 2011.

Pickering, J. (2012). Beyond the Couple: Explorations in relational therapy drawing on Bion.Routledge: London (forthcoming).

Pickering, J. (2012). Bearing the unbearable: ancestral transmission through dreams and moving metaphors in the analytic field, Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 57, Issue 5, pages 576–596.

Pickering, J. (2013). Dreaming in the Psychotherapeutic Space. CAPA, NSW. pp.6-8.

Pickering, J. (2015). Acoustic resonance at the dawn of life: Musical fundamentals of the psychoanalytic relationship. Journal of Analytical Psychology,60(5). Pp. 618-41.

Pickering, J. (forthcoming). The Meaning of Life: Psychotherapy as Spiritual Practice, London: Routledge.

Leslie Stein


(2000, 2012) The Journey of Adam Kadmon: A Novel (New York: Arcade)

(2005, 2012) Becoming Whole: Jung’s Equation for Realizing God (New York: Helios Press)

(2018) Working with Mystical Experiences in Psychoanalysis (London: Routledge)

(2021) The Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Clinical Practice (Ashville, NC: Chiron Publications)

Winner of Best Theoretical Book for 2021: International Association of Jungian Studies

(2022) Editor: Eastern Practices and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts (Ashville, NC: Chiron Publications


(2001) “Rix Weaver: A Final Interview” Harvest: A Jung Journal 81

(2012) “Global Warming: Inaction and Denial” 86 Spring Journal 23

(2013) “Jung and Tantra” 90 Spring Journal 55

(2015) “Jung and Divine Self-Reflection” 9(1) Jung Journal 18

(2018) “The Never Ending Creatura” Jung Journal

(2019) “The Urban Psyche” Journal of Analytical Psychology

(2022) “Archetypal Forces and the Ego Structure of Eastern Practices” in Eastern Practice and Individuation, (Chiron Publications)

(2022) “Collective Individuation in the Red Book” in Murray Stein (Ed). Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Post-Modern Conditions, (Chiron Publications)

Climate Change Issues:

Forms of Climate Change Adaptationin S. Leckie, ed, in Land Solutions to Climate Displacement (London: Routledge, 2014).

“Domestic Issues for Persons Displaced by Climate Change” Chapter 12 in Michael B. Gerrard & Gregory E. Wanner, Threatened Island Nations: Legal Implications of Rising Seas and a Changing Climate (Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013)

“Roots of Climate Change Denial” Proceedings of the Fordham Lectures, Fordham University New York 2012

Mental Health Issue in Cities:

Adjunct Professor in Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney 2016 –

Consultant to prepare four background papers on this issue for The Metropolis of Three Cities Plan: Greater Sydney Commission 2017 – 2020

Senior Fellow: Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies, New York 2011 – 2016

Visiting Scholar: Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Columbia University, New York 2010-2011

Visiting Lecturer Virje Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2016

Publication on this issue: Stein, L. Comparative Urban Land Use Planning: Best Practice (Sydney: SUP, 2017)


Board of Directors, Philemon Foundation

Presentation on Social Responsibility of Analysts: Eranos Conference, 2022, Switzerland

Presentation on “Who or What Experiences Nothingness” University of Sydney Conference “On Nothingness” January, 2023

Presentation on Speaking of Jung

In Progress:

Stein & L. Corbett. Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts (Ashville, NC: Chiron Publications)

Dr Jo Taylor-Violet

Samantha Bursnall, Eilis Kennedy, Rob Senior and Jo Violet. Book Chapter: Understanding the Experience of Parenting a Child with Autism. In Disabilities – Insights from Across Fields and Around the World. Praeger Perspectives. Edited by C. Marshall, E Kendall, M.E. Banks and R.M.S. Gover.

Taylor-Violet, Jo, (2018) “Losing Oneself in the Mind and Body of Another” Arena Magazine February 2018 no 152, pp. 33 – 36

Taylor-Violet, Jo, (2018) “Gender in Transition”, Arena Magazine, December 2018 no 157.

Violet, J. (2016), “Repairing Broken Links to the Feminine: A gendered lens on striving for a more integrated sense of self”, Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 34, No 1, 2016, pp. 84 – 106.

Book review: In Child and Adolescent Mental Health Vol. 10, Issue 4, page 214, November 2005: “Adolescents and Sex: The Handbook for Professionals Working with Young People”.

Dr Jill Yielder

Journal Articles (Since 2010):

Moir, F., Mogol, V., Yielder, J., Wills, S., Maser, B., & Frank, E. (2023). The personal physical health practices of medical students: A comparison between NZ, Canadian and US students. International Journal of Social Psychology. Accepted, awaiting publication.

Watkins, S., Yielder, J., Curtis, E., Seleq, S., & Bagg, W. (2022). The cultural minority experience of academic difficulty and remediation. NZ Journal of Medicine, 135(1551), 40-53. Also published in Pacific Health Review, Issue 33, 2022.

Yielder, J., Dungey, G., & Patten, B. (2020). Personality preferences for Radiation Therapy students in New Zealand. Radiography.

Goodyear-Smith, F., Lack, L., & Yielder, J. (2019). Evaluation of a compulsory reflective group for medical students. The Journal of Primary Health Care, 11(3), 227-234.

Moir, F., Yielder, J., Dixon, H., & Hawken, S. (2018). SAFE-DRS: Health and wellbeing in the curriculum in the Auckland medical programme. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 4(3), 49-64.

Mogol, V., Chen, Y., Henning, M., Wearn, A. Weller, J., Yielder, J., & Bagg, W. (2018). Rasch analysis of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire: A validation study. Journal of Applied Measurement, 19(4).

Moir, F., Yielder, J., Sanson, J., & Chen, Y. (2018). Depression in medical students: Current insights. Advances In Medical Education and Practice, 9, 323-333.

Malpas, P., Bagg, W., Yielder, J., & Merry, A. (2018). Medical students, sensitive examinations and patient consent: A qualitative review. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131, (1482), 29-37.

Yielder, J., Wearn, A., Chen, Y., Henning, M., Weller, J., Lillis, S., Mogol, V., & Bagg, W. (2017). A qualitative exploration of student perceptions of the impact of progress tests on learning and emotional wellbeing. BMC Medical Education, 17, 148. DOI:10.1186/s12909-017-0984-2.

Grainger, B., Yielder, J., Reid, P., & Bagg, W. (2017). Predictors of medical student remediation and their underlying causes: Early lessons from a curriculum change in the University of Auckland Medical Programme. New Zealand Journal of Medicine,130 (1460), 73-82.

Dungey, G., & Yielder, J. (2016). Student personality and learning styles: A comparison between Radiation Therapy and Medical Imaging undergraduate students in New Zealand. Radiography, 23, 107-111 DOI:10.1016/j.radi.2016.11.005.

Yielder, J., & Moir, F. (2016). Assessing the development of medical students’ personal and professional skills by portfolio. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. 3, 9-15 DOI:10.4137/JMecd.S30110.

Chen, Y., Henning, M., Yielder, J., Wearn, A., Jones, R., Mogol, V., Bagg, W., & Weller, J. (2015). The longitudinal impact of progress testing on medical students’ approaches to learning – no. 37 [abstract]. Medical Education, 49(Suppl. 2),15.

Andre Zanardo

Zanardo, A. (2011) Love, loss, imagination and the ‘other’ in Soderbergh’s Solaris. In C.

Hauke & L. Hockley (Eds.), Jung and Film II, The return. East Sussex, Routledge.